April 09, 2005


MY APOLOGIES AND GRATITUDE TO THE people who have written expressing their disappointment I am no longer posting here. I have been overwhelmed by a combination of illness and work: a nasty virus cost me nearly three weeks in January and then another laid me low for two weeks in February, and atop that there are the demands of work, which never takes more than about 10 hours per week but – because it is writing and editing – nevertheless profoundly dilutes the energies I once focused exclusively on this blog. The result has been – nothing: the empty page you behold when you access this site.

Soon, I promise, I will begin posting here again. But I am contemplating a different focus, perhaps even a different format, writing maybe one or two pieces a week rather than daily entries. I haven't worked out the details yet, but the proverbial kettle is a-boil, and there will once more be essays posted here regularly, probably within a week or two. And my heartfelt thanks to those of you who have been diehard enough to faithfully check this site every week – in the now finally not vain hope there would be something here to read.

Posted by Loren at 01:35 AM | Comments (3)