January 05, 2005


A SUMMARY OF HOW the world's major religions view natural disasters, its content made especially relevant by the tusnami, has been published by Beliefnet and is available here.

Notably missing from this summation is modern paganism: Wicca and its kindred are said to be the fastest growing belief-systems in America. Wicca and its Druidical close-cousins acknowledge death on any scale as yet another natural manifestation of the triune Goddess, who is not only the Mother of All Being but is the macrocosm of All Being itself: birth, life, death, resurrection. In pagan lore the Goddess is best symbolized by the three-faced and ever-changing moon: infancy and youth (the New and Waxing Moon); maturity and motherhood (the Full Moon); old age (the Old and Waning Moon); death and resurrection (the Dark of the Moon or No-Moon) out of which is born the New Moon again.

Posted by Loren at January 5, 2005 10:49 PM