ANNIE JACOBSEN, THE COURAGEOUS reporter for WomensWallStreet whose work revealed critical flaws in our post 9/11 airline security, has written of yet another in-flight outrage perpetrated by Arab “travelers.” Jacobsen’s newest report, available here, makes it clear the security problems go far beyond the Bush Administration’s idiotic air-marshal dress-codes and its perplexing policy of backing Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta’s no-profiling edicts and may also originate from the airlines’ own business-related fears. Not that I am the least bit surprised. Jacobsen’s next step should be documenting how much the airlines have contributed toward the presidential campaigns of both George Bush and John Kerry. Stay tuned.
Meanwhile, Michelle Malkin denounces the Kerry camp by recalling how the epic “we can do it” unselfishness of Rosie the Riveter and her generational sisters all across America helped save the world from fascism, while the infinite selfishness of the Kerrynoid generation now threatens to squander everything for which America stands. Malkin’s key passage gets right to the point:
But Rosie is gone. And in her place, we have Hysterical Women for Kerry. They are self-absorbed celebrities who support banning all guns (except the ones their bodyguards use to protect them and their children). They are teachers' union bigwigs who support keeping all children hostage in public schools (except their own sons and daughters who have access to the best private institutions). They are sanctimonious environmentalists who oppose ostentatious energy consumption (except for their air-conditioned Malibu mansions and Gulfstream Jets and custom Escalades.) They are antiwar activists who claim to love the troops (except when they're apologizing to the terrorists trying to kill our men and women in uniform). They are peace activists who balk at your son bringing in his Star Wars light saber for the kindergarten Halloween parade (but who have no problem serving as human shields for torture-loving dictators). They are ultrafeminists who purport to speak for all women (but not the unborn ones or the abstinent teenage ones or the minority conservative ones or the newly enfranchised ones in Afghanistan).
The rest of Malkin’s column is available here. Save for the fact she focuses on her own gender, much of what she says echoes my own observations about the pathological selfishness and hypocrisy of the generational cohort aged 18-29, especially the college students, two thirds of whom have told pollsters they would refuse to be drafted under any circumstances – even if the United States were invaded. In other words, thanks to 30 years of brainwashing in feminist-dominated schools, two thirds of all American college students in this age group no longer think our country is worth fighting for. And this very group, registered to vote in unprecedented numbers yet never surveyed in any national pre-election polls, could be the wild card that decides the election.
Posted by Loren at October 20, 2004 04:23 AM